What is a Creative Block?

Whether you are a writer, designer, artist, work in the business sector, or do anything - either professionally or recreationally - that involves creativity, you would have experienced a ‘block’ at some point down the line. We’ve all been there: that horrible feeling where it seems like doing anything remotely creative feels like the hardest thing on earth. 


If this is happening with you, the first thing to remember is that blocks are normal. Anyone who thinks they can relentlessly churn out creative material - words, painting, business ideas, etc. - every hour of every day simply isn’t producing anything of decent quality. So if you are struggling to produce anything at the moment, keep in mind that you are not alone. 


writers block

It could be that you find yourself procrastinating, doing anything to avoid getting down to the task at hand, such as scrolling through apps on your phone, cleaning your home, reading articles, or going out drinking with friends. There may be feelings of frustration, or even anger. Other people just feel deflated, as if the energy - that sense of flow so important to creativity - has eluded them, never to be seen again. 


You may be telling yourself that you ‘just aren’t feeling it’ at the moment, or that there is ‘too much pressure’. This is an example of you consciously reinforcing a creative block, just like how we can consciously resolve to complete a task or work towards a particular goal. Telling yourself that you have a creative block is a major part of a creative block. Continuing down this path of thought can lead to - or reinforce - depression or anxiety. 


However, behind these conscious factors, a creative block actually takes its root in a subconscious issue of some kind. This could, for example, be a fear of failure, a belief that you are not good enough to produce quality creative work, or another limiting belief of some kind. It could be that there is some past hurt preventing you from being able to enter that state of pure creative flow. 


therapy for creatives

Through RTT (Rapid Transformational Therapy) and hypnotherapy, we can embark on a creative coaching journey that involves us getting to the root cause of your creative block, engaging with it, and helping you work towards a place where you feel comfortable enough to let creativity flow through your body again!


If you are struggling with your creative process and want to learn a bit more about how RTT and hypnotherapy in the Cotswolds or online can help you, feel free to give me a call or take a look at my blog post explaining the basics of RTT. I can work with you on a one-off basis, over a few weeks, or as a dedicated two-month programme, depending on your needs. You can read more about how I work here.



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What is RTT and How Does It Help With Creative Blocks?