We are seeing a significant rise in anxiety and depression around the globe and with more and more people spending the majority of their lives at work, it’s important to support and safeguard their mental wellbeing.
Paying attention to your workforce by introducing a varied program of offerings tailored to group and individual needs can help on many levels.
Paying attention to mental health issues lets your assets (because thats what they are!) know that they are considered and enables communication and connection to flow on all levels, including personal wellbeing so that your business can flourish and get on with its core goals.
Reduces stress levels
Increases performance
Reduces skiving
Increases confidence
Reduces Anxiety
Increases overall communication and wellbeing
Its time to take action
We can implement a bespoke program that works with your business structure to ensure maximum benefit for all. I work on a one to one basis for stress, anxiety, addiction and self confidence, but also work with groups to facilitate effective communication and release tensions. I also help teams with the visions and goals so they can blow through their targets painlessly or can work with you in advisory role to implement policy.
I work with powerful and effective techniques to help clients deal with the pressures of modern day living and to facilitate a joyful, productive and fruitful life.
Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT)
offers a great solution to employers who want rapid and lasting results to help their employees deal with issues getting in the way of their personal development and productivity.
provides a neutral space where employees can work towards professional targets and goals and use the this time to enable emotional stability and improve their confidence and overall sense of wellbeing,
can be used to cover a wide range of topics and can be inclusive and experiential to break up the working day, build connections and create an environment of transformation and communication within your organisation.
Yoga & Mindfulness
are increasingly recognised by organisations to relieve stress and anxiety. I specialise in Kundalini Yoga and Yoga Nidra which are incredible tools to bring an invaluable sense of calm and balance into the mix.
Gone are the days when businesses would turn a blind eye to their employee’s emotional stability and overall sense of wellness. People thrive when they are cared for and the past few years has provided a reality check in terms of setting standards to how staff are looked after.
Clinical Hypnotherapist
Advanced Rapid Transformational Therapist
MA Social Anthropology & Psychology
Qualified Transformational Life Coach
RTT Academy Mentor & Trainer
Approved on Find a Specialist Therapist RTT, FAST
Kundalini Yoga Teacher (Yoga Alliance)
Quantum Flow Practitioner
Reiki 1 & Energy Worker
Yoga Nidra L1 (Total Yoga Nidra Network)
Accredited Practitioner General Hypnotherapy Standard Council
Registered Practitioner General Hypnotherapy Register
DBS Advanced
Fully Insured
Member Yoga Alliance
Equality & Diversity Certification
First Aid Level 1
ICO registered