RTT Case Study - Business success with Jen
I was contacted by Jen for RTT for business success. She already had a relatively successful business selling her product to the UK market but felt held back by something she couldn’t put her finger on in taking the product global. She literally felt like something was stopping her with her business growth and reached out to me to help her get to the bottom of this and turn it around.
What she really wanted was to feel comfortable marketing her business over all platforms internationally, take her business to the next level and employ a manager so that she could take a step back in years to come. She was approaching her 60’s and had plenty of experience so there was no obvious reason for the block to her business success.
She was understandably frustrated by the block to her moving forward as she knew she had the skills but could not put her finger on what was stopping her.
We regressed Jen back to 3 scenes from her past and discovered that as a child her father didn’t show his support of her and made her feel unheard, unworthy which gave her a lack of self belief. Another scene found her feeling different from the rest of the family and not wanted and the final scene she was on her first day of school and felt abandoned by her mum at the school gates - feeling small, not belonging and not safe “out there”.
When we put the pieces of the puzzle together and made the connection between the scenes and the block she was experiencing she was clear that she had a belief that she was not worthy of taking her business global that was based on the scenes from her childhood.
We worked on this belief in the session and Jen was clear that as an adult she did not need to believe the beliefs she believed when she was a child as she was an adult now. She didn't need the approval of her father and she was more than comfortable in new situations, meeting new people.
With the power of hypnosis, we installed new beliefs to support Jen in taking her business global and in her life in general. We installed the belief that she was worthy of huge business success, of taking her business global. That she was more than good enough and that she does fit in and it is safe “out there” in the world.
Jen left the session feeling “expanded” and full of confidence to take her business to the next step. She was so relieved to have got to the bottom of what was golding her back and to have broken down the block. She said to me as many of my clients say to me: “I wish I’d done this years ago - thank you Charlotte”.
The incredible thing about Rapid Transformational Therapy is that a seemingly unfixable issue which presented itself as an invisible block, that could have been plaguing a client for much of their adult life can be dealt with in as little as 2 hours.
Jen has gone on to market her business incredibly successfully abroad, which has meant that she can employ the manager she always wanted to free up her own time to enjoy sailing and travelling with her partner.