RTT Therapy, Hypnotherapy and Coaching

for Confidence, Freedom and Peace.

Is something blocking your confidence, wellness and potential?

Instead of going around in circles, release the blocks, beliefs and behaviours that are holding you back….

You can move forward and thrive!

The subconscious mind is responsible for 90% of our beliefs, issues and blocks and I use RTT hypnotherapy and creative coaching to replace the struggle with freedom and flow to activate your full potential. The most common thing my clients say too me is:


“I experienced a seismic shift after seeing Charlotte. I just can’t recommend her enough!”

— Client who's anxiety was holding them back

Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT therapy)

Leading Rapid Transformational Therapist

Are you fed up with feeling like you are never enough, can be enough, or do enough?

Then its time for a change…

RTT therapy can help you release the thoughts and beliefs and behaviours that may have been bothering you for years.

This method is proven, powerful, progressive and works.

You’ll be able to let go of sticky beliefs, behaviours and symptoms and replace them with empowering new beliefs of your choice.

I work with clients over the course of a month or three month period with Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) , Coaching and energetic practices. These proven methods

bust blocks, increase self belief and reconnect you to your true self! We re-activate your confidence and flow and help you to live up to your fullest potential. Tell me about yourself and learn more about these unique and powerful processes. You can book a clarity call with me here.

I am an Advanced RTT Therapist and have been a mentor and trainer for the RTT School specialising in the following areas:

Self Confidence, Creative blocks, Life Purpose, Money blocks, Business Success, Anxiety and Weight management.

RTT therapy has worked in just one session with hundreds of my clients and it’s worked for me too. Check out some of my client RTT testimonials here.

“I’d highly recommend this incredible woman, its transforming my life in magical ways.”

— client who was held back by limiting beliefs

Creative Confidence Coaching

Bust blocks to creativity, connect to your unique essence and get in flow with your productivity.

  • Are you becoming frustrated by your lack of productivity?

  • Is this effecting your life at home and at work?

  • Does your creative process feel like you’re walking through tar?

  • Maybe you’re finding it difficult to connect to what you really want to do - you feel it’s time to get clear?

We work together over a course of 2 months working:

  • Subconsciously to bust through blocks with RTT

  • Consciously to create a vision and action plan with Confidence Coaching

  • Energetically to get you flowing and thriving with energetic activation.

    This is program is unique and progressive using powerful tools and a sophisticated method. You’ll feel free, empowered, supported and challenged. You’ll be in flow and loving thriving again and have a new and purposeful lease of life

“This has to be one of the most powerful and transformative experiences of my personal development path”

— Jamie, UK

Law of Attraction Coaching

Law of Attraction Coach

Get clear on what you want from life and manifest it into reality…

Do you want…

  • to know why your efforts aren’t delivering?

  • some powerful tools to help you manifest what you really want from life?

  • to connect to your higher goals and break through limiting beliefs?

Using the principles of the Law of Attraction, Quantum physics and Neuroscience we work on your vision, independent from restrictive conditioning and limiting beliefs so that you can attract limitless potential into your life.

This 2 month program is unique in that it works on all levels:

  • Subconsciously - to bust any blocks getting in your way

  • Consciously - to create the vision and activate it

  • Energetically - to allow you to use your body as a vehicle for manifesting from your soul

“My manifestation coaching with Charlotte has led to the most amazing results in the weeks that followed”

— Chris, UK

Licensed RTT therapist

I’ve been spotted in:

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“I can really recommend Charlotte! Very empathic. Thank you, you’ve made my life easier”

— Katrin, Germany


  • Essentially RTT hypnotherapy does much more.

    Regular Hypnotherapy and solution based hypnotherapy will help you focus on a solution that works for you to move forward but it will not unroot the old beliefs that got you to this point in the first place. RTT hypnotherapy does both.

    We use multiple tools in our session together to enable you to understand, let go of old beliefs and create new empowering ones for you to move forward in your life.

    Regular hypnotherapy requires you to come back for multiple sessions - around 6-8 and RTT hypnotherapy can go alit deeper in just one session. For issues, like alcohol or drug addiction or weight it may take up to 3 sessions.

  • Because there is a lot more involved than just turning up for a 1 hour session and leaving.

    I take time to prepare your session, the session itself is around 2 hours long, After the session, I create a personalised hypnosis recording to music which you commit to listening to for 21 days (minimum). We have a follow up call on day 7 and day 21. This is a process that takes around a month for most issues.

  • Yes - you will be aware at all times. We are talking to each other, you are just in a deeper state of awareness. You cannot be controlled. You are in control the entire time.

  • 90% of your reality starts in your subconscious mind. Thoughts, beliefs and behaviours are created in our subconscious mind over years of life experience and most of the time we are not conscious of how we got there. Hence we have to speak directly to our subconscious to discover the root, the cause and the reason behind issues, behaviours and blocks and release it from that place.

    Creating new empowering beliefs whilst in hypnosis is extremely powerful and goes much deeper than talking or affirmations.

  • Yes it does. It is just as effective and some people prefer it because it means they can stay in the comfort of their own home.

    All you need is a lap top, a good internet connection and privacy.

  • I encourage you to really check out the level of qualifications a prospective RTT hypnotherapist holds as there are numerous levels.

    I am an experienced and Advanced Rapid Transformational Therapist (rather than a practitioner which means I have undergone the highest level and most extensive in person training), I am also a clinical hypnotherapist (which is more advanced than certified) AND an approved specialist for various issues. I am also a mentor and trainer for the RTT school.

    I have multiple other qualifications: A Vortexhealer®, a Certified Coach and other CPD’s including Quantum flow, Yoga Nidra and Kundalini practitioner and hold an M.A in Social Anthropology.

    But above all, I care 💛and releasing you from pain and suffering is the reason I am doing what I do - with love.

    Choosing a therapist is a very personal thing. It’s important that you gain some kind of rapport to build trust between you, so I encourage you to have a chat and ask some questions to make sure you are getting what is right for you.